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We are committed to providing the highest quality of care to our clients. It includes ensuring our clients receive safe and effective treatment for their mental health concerns. As part of this commitment, we have developed a Controlled Substance Policy to ensure the responsible use, storage, and disposal of controlled substances in our care.

Prescribing and Dispensing of Controlled Substances
At New Era Consultancy LLC, controlled substances may only be prescribed by licensed healthcare providers who have completed the necessary training and certification. It will only be provided for legitimate medical purposes and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. Clients must provide accurate information about their medical history and current medications to ensure the safety and effective use of controlled substances. In addition, clients must agree to adhere to the instructions provided by their healthcare provider regarding the use of controlled substances.

Storage and Disposal of Controlled Substances
Controlled substances must be stored in a secure location, such as a locked cabinet, to prevent unauthorized access. At New Era Consultancy LLC, we will follow all applicable laws and regulations for the disposal of controlled substances, including the proper disposal of unused medications.

Misuse of Controlled Substances
Using someone else’s medication, taking more medication than prescribed, using the substance in a manner other than prescribed, or selling or sharing medicines is strictly prohibited, resulting in immediate termination of treatment.

At New Era Consultancy LLC, our Controlled Substance Policy ensures the safe and effective use of controlled substances in the treatment of our clients. By adhering to this policy, we can ensure the well-being and safety of our clients and provide the highest quality of care

Take a Brave Step

Let us help care for your mental health wellness. Take a brave step for your well-being by reaching us anytime.